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Help Save Rainforests & Endangered Species

Annual Reports

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Annual Reports

2023 turned out to be a great year for us.

Thank you so much for your support. At COP28, the European Union, CfRN and other allies successfully negotiated the need to reverse deforestation by 2030 into the UAE Consensus Agreement. Also, Honduras, Belize, and Suriname successfully slowed deforestation, and twenty-nine rainforest countries, including those within the second largest rainforest – the Congo and Papua New Guinea, became net-carbon removers. These countries are now actively removing more carbon from the atmosphere than they release. And their impact goes beyond their borders.
Learn more about this and the progress they are making to slow, stop, and reverse deforestation in our Impact Statement 2023

Rainforest nations are slowing deforestation based on goodwill and with little financial support. Join our movement.

“Amongts all the organizations evalutated, CfRN stands out because of the outsized leverage of their presence at key international negotiations. As an example, they were instrumental in securing an agreement on forestry in the Paris Agreement in 2015.”

“Amongts all the organizations evalutated, CfRN stands out because of the outsized leverage of their presence at key international negotiations. As an example, they were instrumental in securing an agreement on forestry in the Paris Agreement in 2015.”

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