Webinar: From REDD+ Results to Payments – A Country Guide to Issuing & Selling UNFCCC REDD+ Carbon Credits
July 30, 2021, New York
On July 13, the CfRN and REDD.plus teams held a webinar on how countries can translate REDD+ Results into sovereign government issued REDD+ carbon credits for sale to corporations and consumers. Attended by over 60 country representatives across four continents, the webinar offered countries the latest projections on demand and pricing for forestry carbon credits as well as an introduction to the REDD.plus registry and trading platform. In the final session, guidelines on how a country can onboard their UNFCCC REDD+ Results to the new platform were given. Presentations were made by CfRN’s executive director, Kevin Conrad as well as Peter Boyd, director, REDD.plus, Federica Bietta, managing director CfRN, and Leonardo Massai, senior expert.
If you missed the webinar and would like a recording, please contact Michael Mitchell: michael@cfrn.org